Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Flagging but still trying to be motivated

Why does it happen that after just over a month of being motivated and having some successful weight loss, of eating right and exercising, that I have the overwhelming urge to say to hell with and go out for a big cheese burger and sit on the couch all day? I know that it is probably just the day. Lack of sleep and a cranky child doesn't put mom in the most focused of mind spaces. I have managed to eat well today but I am still fighting the urge to eat bad things. I know that I eat when I am stressed or bored. I have been keeping busy with prep for next year and lots of time on the floor with the kid so I'm not bored. But what do I have to be stressed about? I don't have work stress. Home life is pretty status quo so I can't even blame that. Oh, for a little drama to blame life's little hick-ups on:) I know, I know... careful what you wish for. I think that I just need to get out of the funk and find a better space in my head. I should focus on being down another pound this week instead of dwelling on the fact that it's only one pound and not three like a few weeks ago. I logically know that weigh-loss should slow down after the initial period but it still stinks. However I will take my pound this week and smile about it:)

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Amazing Family

On the weekend we had the first official weigh-in of the Big Fat Dutch Family Biggest Loser. The ten members of my family who are participating have lost a total of 136lbs this month! I am so very proud to be a part of this. I am a little jealous of my brother who is this month's winner. He lost 27lbs which is just over 10% of his original weight. My sister-in-law looks great and was the runner up this month, losing 9.9% of her original weight. We have all worked so hard. My official weigh-in number for the family weigh-in was down 15lbs. I was thrilled. According to my personal scale and tracking for this week I am down one more pound to 12.5 total loss. Either way I'm doing just fine! Again, I am so proud of my family. What great motivation I am getting from the people who already motivate me and support me the most!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Down again.

This week was another good week. I am down another 2lbs. I'm pretty excited about that. I am taking it with a grain of salt though. I spent Saturday with a stomach bug. Didn't eat anything and drank very little. I know that this is not healthy weight loss. I won't be surprised if I pay for it in the upcoming week. But for now I am taking it as a win. I have lost a total of 11.5 pounds this month and am very proud of it:)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One of those days

Monday's weigh-in was great. I was down another 3.5lbs. I'm not quite sure how it happened. I wasn't down that much all week. I hope that it was more than just a scale glitch:)

Today has been trying. I'm running on very little sleep. I have to get the house cleaned up. The kid has been cranky all morning. She didn't want to eat and then was cranky because she was hungry. Perhaps we are having the same problem:) I finally just put her to bed. She was sooo tired. I hope that she is feeling more perky when she wakes up. It was difficult to remember my goals when choosing lunch but I did fine. Hopefully I will continue to remember what I am working for when the urge to snack comes around.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Feeling better

The week has gone well despite this weeks small setback. I am confident that I will be down next Monday. Lots of exercise and very little over snacking are helping. Mostly I find that this week my attitude has been getting better and better. Monday I felt pretty low. My attitude stunk and therefore my snacking was a little on the heavy side. It has slowly diminished over the week to the point where I had to remind myself to get a little snack this afternoon before I overate at dinner. I have been chewing a great deal of gum and drinking a ton of water to keep myself occupied in ways other than eating. It seems to be working. I have also started planning for next school year a little at a time. Having something to do seems to make this whole weight loss thing a bit easier.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Not down, but not out either!

Monday was a bit of a blow. The scale says that I am up a half pound:( I however choose to believe that it is just a little water retention or a heavy meal the night before;) I had a little melt down that morning. What more could I possible do? I had worked so hard the week before and couldn't believe that I was up. After a little breakfast and Stroller class I felt much better and decided that Fine! if the scale was going to be grumpy with me I would just work harder. I will still be the biggest loser or at least will lose enough to be a contender.

Today has been good. I am a little sore from stroller class yesterday but that just means that it is worth the money I spent to take the class. I went to school this morning to pick up some resources for next year. I plan to start working a little bit each week so I don't spend my entire August planning for next year. On the way home we had the oil changed in the Hightlander. Getting out of the house really cuts down on the snacking. Lunch was a little late so I had be becareful not to overeat when I got home. I am hoping that next Monday will be a little better on the scale, but hey, my jeans fit better than they did two weeks ago so I must be doing something right!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Still Going.

I have found in the last few days that I have really settled into a rhythm. The baby is taking naps a pretty regular times for pretty predictable durations. I can get a little treadmill work in during the morning nap and then get some house work or whatever done during the afternoon nap. I find my self looking for things to do around the house just so I don't sit there and eat. Yesterday I cleaned the blinds on the entrance window. I haven't done that in five years! Gross, I know, but it just wasn't a priority. I find that if I am busy I don't snack and snacking is what kills me. I have to be very conscious of my food these days else I just eat everything I can find. Oh well, I'll just keep at it I suppose. Things are getting better and better.